StrataMGT is ideal for short- and long-term use
Quality of life of many women can be significantly impacted by Vaginal symptoms which can cause significant distress on physical, mental, and sexual health such as:
Vaginal dryness is the most prevalent symptom affecting 93% of women with vaginal atrophy
40% of women expect Health Care Providers to initiate this conversation
Vaginal dryness is the most prevalent symptom affecting 93% of women with vaginal atrophy
Approximately 70% of women with symptoms do not discuss the issue with their Health Care Providers
40% of women expect Health Care Providers to initiate this conversation
Lichenoid vulvar dermatoses, which include Lichen Sclerosus (LS), Lichen Planus (LP) and Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC), are chronic, progressive, inflammatory conditions that are characterized by epithelial thinning. They can manifest with a variety of symptoms, most commonly pruritus or pain.11
Vulvar lichenoid dermatoses are commonly affecting:
Vaginal Atrophy (VA) is also known as Atrophic Vaginitis and Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). VA is a chronic and progressive condition where the lining of the vagina gets drier and thinner. This results in itching, burning and pain during sex, among other symptoms.1-5
Lichenoid vulvar dermatoses, which include Lichen Sclerosus (LS), Lichen Planus (LP) and Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC), are chronic, progressive, inflammatory conditions that are characterized by epithelial thinning. They can manifest with a variety of symptoms, most commonly pruritus or pain.11
Vulvar lichenoid dermatoses are commonly affecting:
LS and PS are most prevalent in females during the prepubertal and post-menaupose periods.1,12
Minimally invasive procedures, using laser and radiofrequency devices, have been introduced to reduce VA symptoms and are often referred to as vaginal rejuvenation.
The most common side effects of vaginal rejuvenation are burning sensation, discomfort, swelling and redness.14
More than 85% of females who undergo a vaginal birth will suffer from some degree of perineal tear (or graze), with 0.6–11% of all vaginal deliveries resulting in a third-degree or fourth-degree tear.13
Episiotomy is among the most common surgical procedures experienced by women with 30-35% of vaginal births.15
StrataMGT relieves symptoms such as itchiness, tenderness, dryness, burning sensation, painful intercourse (dyspareunia), painful urination (dysuria) and rectal or defecating pain.
StrataMGT promotes a moist healing environment leading to faster re-epithelialization and significantly reduces the acute inflammatory response.
StrataMGT is suitable for long-term use to maintain the health of the Vaginal mucosa without the side effects of vaginally administered hormonal therapy and topical corticosteroids.
StrataMGT is a Medical Device.
StrataMGT is a non-hormonal and non-steroidal gel.
StrataMGT is a suitable alternative to vaginally administered estrogen and topical corticosteroids.21
StrataMGT promotes a moist wound healing environment, supporting the body’s normal healing process, this in turn leads to relief from symptoms such as itchiness, tenderness, dryness, burning sensation, painful intercourse (dyspareunia), painful urination (dysuria) and rectal or defecating pain.
StrataMGT promotes a moist healing environment, supporting the body’s natural wound healing process, leading to faster healing (re-epithelialization).
StrataMGT improves erythema, mucosal tissue thinning, erosions, fissures, ulcerations, scarring/adhesions and swelling.21
StrataMGT is suitable for long-term use to maintain the health of the vaginal mucosa without the side effects of vaginally administered hormonal therapy and topical corticosteroids.
FDA Registered Class I Medical device
While vaginal diseases are chronic in nature, symptomatic control and improvement of quality of life are possible for most women.7,9
StrataMGT is a suitable alternative treatment for women suffering from various highly symptomatic vaginal conditions.
Achieving symptomatic relief and finding an effective treatment for long-term use without side effects is crucial for both physicians and patients.7,9
While vaginal diseases are chronic in nature, symptomatic control and improvement of quality of life are possible for most women.7,9
StrataMGT is a suitable alternative treatment for women suffering from various highly symptomatic vaginal conditions.